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Weinzierl KNX Multi IO 570 (TP)

KNX Multi IO TP with 48 freely configurable inputs and outputs / USB Interface – 4MOD (72mm)

4.104,38 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T166-5267 Kategori

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The KNX TP Multi IO 570 is a universal binary interface for building control. It provides 48 I/O lines. Each line can be used as binary input as well as binary output. The peripherals can be fed by an external voltage of 24 V⎓. Channels which are configured as inputs can be used to control lights or blinds via the KNX network. They also can be used to count impulses, e.g. as interface for energy meters. Channels which are configured as outputs can directly drive signal LEDs, external coupling relays (e.g. Multi IO Extension 590) or jalousie relays (Multi IO Extension 592).

The integrated USB interface allows establishing a bidirectional connection between a PC and the KNX bus. The USB connector has a galvanic separation from the KNX bus. Both ETS (Version 4.2 or later) and visualization tools support this interface. The configuration of the device is done with ETS, a local download is possible. An easy to read OLED display on the front panel enables a manual operation to test the installation.

Weinzierl KNX Multi IO 570 (TP)
Weinzierl KNX Multi IO 570 (TP) – Overview

Teknisk data

Weinzierl KNX Multi IO 570

Housing plastic
Mounting DIN rail mounted device, width: 4 modules (72 mm)
Controls and indicators – LED display with four buttons
– KNX programming LED
Power Supply – KNX Bus approx. 6 mA
– Power Supply for I/O lines: 24 V⎓, ca. 25 mA with no load
Connectors – Connector for KNX Bus (red / black)
– Pluggable screw connector (4 poles) for power supply
– Pluggable screw connector (12 poles) for I/O lines
– Connector for USB 2.0 Micro-B
I/O lines – Output: Open-Drain, max. 100 mA, incl. flyback diode
– Input: Incl. pull-up resistor

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