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Weinzierl KNX LineCoupler 650

KNX TP Line Coupler- 1MOD (18mm)

2.363,50 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T166-5233 Kategori

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The KNX TP LineCoupler 650 connects two KNX segments (for example, a KNX line with a KNX area). It has a very compact design. The device has a filter table (8K bytes) and ensures a galvanic isolation between the lines. The coupler is compatible with the ETS® software from ETS4.2. The buttons on the front panel allow disabling the telegram filter for testing purposes. The LEDs indicate the operating status and communication errors on the bus.

Teknisk data

KNX TP LineCoupler 650

Housing plastic
Mounting DIN rail mounted device, width: 1 module (18 mm)
Weigth 40g
User Interface two keys for on device settings

three multi color LEDs

KNX programming LED and KNX programming key

KNX Medium TP/TP

Filter table 8k Byte

Power supply KNX main line approx. 5 mA

KNX sub line approx. 3 mA

Connectors Connector for KNX-TP main line (red/black)

Connector for KNX-TP sub line (red/black)

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Filer ETS

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    EIB KNX Grön busskabel Remove

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