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Weinzierl KNX IO 532

KNX Dimming Actuator with 1 PWM output for dimming LEDs, one switching actuator, logic and timer functions – 1MOD (18mm)

1.377,18 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T166-5313 Kategori

Kan restnoteras

The KNX IO 532 (1D1O) is a compact combined dimming/switching actuator with 1 PWM dimming output for LEDs and 1 bi-stable relay output. The dimming actuator can be used e.g. for LED panels or stripes. Besides controlling the dimmer by switching, rel. dimming and dimming value, several optional functions are integrated, including scenes, automatic, slumber function or staircase light.

The switching actuator provides the function for universal outputs including scene control, timer, staircase lighting and heating valves (PWM for thermoelectric valve drives). Two push buttons and three LEDs allow a local operation and a visualization of the device state. In addition to the output channels the device includes 16 independent functions for logic or timer control.

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