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Weinzierl KNX DMX Gateway 544

Gateway between KNX and DMX – 1 MOD (18mm)

3.462,29 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T166-5358 Kategori

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The KNX DMX Gateway 544 is a compact gateway between KNX and DMX512 with up to 64 freely configurable channels. DMX is a protocol for lighting control, especially in stage technology.

In master mode, the device allows convenient control of DMX lights, for example with KNX push-buttons. Up to 64 dimming channels or up to 8 RGB/RGBW channels are available. Several subsets of DMX512 addresses can be assigned to each channel. The dimming channels enable switching /rel./abs. Dimming of one or more DMX devices via KNX. The RGB/RGBW channels enable the control of RGB/RGBW capable DMX devices. Each RGB colour and each HSV attribute can be individually controlled via KNX. Each channel can be linked with up to 8 scenes. In addition, 4 sequencers are available in the gateway to carry out more complex tasks.


KNX Gateway - Weinzierl KNX DMX Gateway 544
Weinzierl KNX DMX Gateway 544 – Overview


In slave mode KNX actuators can be controlled from DMX. For example, the room lighting, which is part of the KNX installation, can be controlled via a DMX lighting control panel. Up to 64 DMX512 addresses can be individually evaluated and sent to KNX. Dimming value, switching with switching threshold and RGB value are available for interpretation.


Teknisk data

Housing Plastic
Mounting DIN rail mounted device, width: 1 modules (18 mm)
User Interface – 2 buttons and 3 LEDs, multicolor
– KNX programming button with LED (red)
DMX – Type: DMX512
– RS-485, 250 kBit/s
– Master or Slave
Power Supply – KNX Bus approx. 4 mA
– DMX side supply voltage 12 … 24 V=
– DMX side approx. 5 mA
Connectors – Connector for KNX Bus (red / black)
– Pluggable screw connector (3 poles) for DMX
– Pluggable screw connector (3 poles) for power supply

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