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Fibaro Smoke Sensor FGSD-002

Hopefully, you will never need it, but in case of emergency it will save not only your belongings, but also life.

503,20 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T103-13114 Kategori

Kan restnoteras

Hopefully, you will never need it, but in case of emergency it will save not only your belongings, but also life. A pot which stands on the stove too long or a forgotten iron…first there will arise smoke, then it will cause a fire. The FIBARO Smoke Sensor is the world’s smallest wireless smoke detector which will be merged harmoniously with its surroundings. In case of detected smoke, it will send an alarm signal to the Z-Wave control center and trigger appropriate automation scenes: lights will be switched on, shutters will be opened and you will receive a message on your smartphone.With the help of other Z-Wave devices such as an intelligent wall plug, the causer can be switched off automatically or via mobile device from outside home. This prevents a fire emerging from smoke and expensive consequential damages.

Teknisk data

Frekvens: 868.4MHz (Z-Wave)
Z-WavePlus: Ja
Batterityp: CR123A
Storlek: 65x28mm
Färg: Vit
Räckvidd utomhus: Upp till 50m

Räckvidd inomhus: Upp till 30m

Arbetstemperatur: 0 upp till 40°C
Arbetsområde: -20 till +100°C
Noggrannhet (0 till 40°C): +- 0.5°C

    Din varukorg
    Platshållare Remove
    Fibaro CO Sensor
    1 X 796,00 kr = 796,00 kr

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