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Fibaro Roller Shutter 2

FIBARO Roller Shutter 2 is a universal, Z-Wave compatible, electric motor controller.

455,20 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T103-14001 Kategori

I lager (kan restnoteras)

FIBARO Roller Shutter 2 is a universal, Z-Wave compatible, electric motor controller. The device allows for controlling motors of roller blinds, awnings, venetian blinds, gates and others, which are single phase AC powered. FIBARO Roller Shutter 2 allows for precise positioning of a roller blind or venetian blind slats. Precise positioning is available for the motors equipped with mechanic and electronic end switches. The module may be controlled wirelessly, through the Z-Wave network main controller, or through the switch eys connected to it. It’s also possible to combine few devices into groups of devices, which then can be controlled simultaneously. In addition, FIBARO Roller Shutter 2 is equipped with Power Metering.

Pucken mäter 15x42x36 mm och är kompatibel med de flesta strömbrytare som finns på marknaden.  


Rullgardin- / markismodul

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Fibaro Relay Switch FGS-212 1x2,5kW
1 X 455,20 kr = 455,20 kr

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