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Fibaro Radiator Thermostat Sensor FGBRS-001

FIBARO Radiator Thermostat Temperature Sensor (FGBRS-001) is a wireless temperature sensor which can be used with FIBARO Radiator Thermostat to provide best temperature regulation.

159,20 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T103-174603 Kategori

I lager (kan restnoteras)

FIBARO Radiator Thermostat Temperature Sensor (FGBRS-001) is a wireless temperature sensor which can be used with FIBARO Radiator Thermostat to provide best temperature regulation. It can be placed anywhere in the room and the device will use it as a reference point for the room temperature. One head can be paired with only one sensor, but one sensor can be paired with three heads.

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    Din varukorg
    Platshållare Remove
    Fibaro CO Sensor
    1 X 796,00 kr = 796,00 kr

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