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Fibaro KeyFob FGKF-601

With the KeyFob, you can open your garage door, switch on the light and deactivate the alarm in your house.

383,20 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T103-170701 Kategori

I lager (kan restnoteras)

With the KeyFob, you can open your garage door, switch on the light and deactivate the alarm in your house. The FIBARO KeyFob – that is more security and more comfort.FIBARO KeyFob is a Z-Wave Plus compatible, battery-powered, compact remote control with 6 buttons. They enable you to control other devices through the Z-Wave network and run defined scenes. Configure various actions for once, double, triple click and holding the button.Built-in locking system will ensure that unauthorized person will not take control of your home.The individual definable pin lock prevents your KeyFob against unauthorized use by other persons.With its modern style design, the KeyFob lies comfortably in the hand, fits into every pocket and can be used as a keychain

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    Din varukorg
    Platshållare Remove
    Aeotec Wallmote
    1 X 590,40 kr = 590,40 kr

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