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KNX radiofrequency movement detector

1.089,00 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer SR570000 Kategori

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KNX radiofrequency movement detector – Hidden install

Hidden movement detector for installation above false or technical ceilings. It is also possible to install it in brick-walls, wood-walls, plasterboards etc. It allows a wide and easy parameterization, being suitable for lighting functions, as well as people detection and intruder control.

Detection area at 2.5m from the floor: Guaranteed: 6x3m / Maximum: 12x6m.

  • Supply: 29V DC from auxiliary power supply or from KNX BUS
  • Consumption (depends on source):
    • Auxiliary Power Supply 12-30V DC (Recommended)
      • 35mA from auxiliary power supply
      • 1mA from KNX BUS
    • KNX BUS (Optional)
      • 35mA from KNX BUS
  • Type of protection: IP20. Extra low security voltage SELV, 24V direct current
  • Size / weight: 25 x 45 x 65mm / 115g
  • Mount: over false ceilings or hidden in walls or bricks

Teknisk data


Power supply 29VDC from KNX bus or auxiliary power supply
Consumption(depends on the connection) With auxiliary power supply
18-30 Vdc (Recommended):
– 35 mA from auxiliary supply
– 1 mA from KNX bus.
Without auxiliary power supply:
– 35 mA from KNX bus
Connections 4 poles connection screw terminal block (2 for KNX bus and 2 for auxiliary power supply)
Protections P20.
Safety extra-low voltage SELV, 24V DC
Mounting Above false ceiling or hidden in walls or bricks
Working radio frequency 9.9 GHz
Emission power 5 mW
Environment temperatur range Operation: from -10ºC to 55ºC
Storage: from -30ºC to 60ºC
Transportation: from -30ºC to 60ºC
Regulation According to the directives of electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage. EN 50090-2-2 / UNEEN 61000-6-3:2007 / UNE-EN 61000-6-1:2007 / UNE-EN 61010-1

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