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1.049,25 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer SR531000 Kategori

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KNX infrared movement detector – Constant regulation – Surface Install.

Constant light regulation sensor which is able to control lighting in function of two motion channels or independent of them. In combination with a dimmer it can maintain a constant brightness in a room. It is possible to adjust the presence sensor sensitivity in an easy way.

It also includes an additional thermostat to measure temperature where it is installed.

  • Supply: 29V DC from BUS KNX
  • Consumption: 4mA from KNX BUS
  • Type of protection – IP20. Extra low security voltage SELV, 24V direct current
  • Detection range: Ø 5m at 2.5m height
  • Size: Ø48 x 38mm
  • Mounting: Screwed on ceiling or indoor wall

Teknisk data

Supply 29VDC from KNX BUS
Current Consumption 5 mA from KNX BUS*
Connections BUS connection terminal KNX
Mounting / Size Screwed on ceiling or indoor wall
Ø: 44mm
Length: 30mm
Environment temperatur range Operation: from -10ºC to 55ºC
Storage: from -30ºC to 60ºC
Transportation: from -30ºC to 60ºC
Regulation According to the directives of electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage. EN 50090-2-2 / UNEEN 61000-6-3:2007 / UNE-EN 61000-6-1:2007 / UNE-EN 61010-1

*Equivalent to 1 KNX Bus device ( 1 KNX Bus device = 5 mA)

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    1 X 1.089,00 kr = 1.089,00 kr

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