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Bes 22S-K

On/Off actuator with 22 outputs, free voltage relays with a cutting power of 16A@230V each one. Multifunction programming. Outputs work simultaneously or independently in different modes (binary outputs, blinds, fan-coil, etc). Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU). Programming by ETS parameter application.

4.350,00 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer CT432220 Kategori

Kan restnoteras

CT432220 is an actuator composed of 22 potential-free relay outputs (dry contact).

Each output could work independently or simultaneously in different modes: binary outputs, blinds, fan-coils or thermo-valves.
It also has up to 8 arithmetic and logic units (UAL), as well as up to 8 timers/counters that allow programming complex logic operations, timings, counters, etc. Using internal or external variables.

PARAM: Programming by ETS parameter application.

  • Its 22 outputs allow to control 22 on/off electrical circuits, 11 blinds (2 outputs for one blind motor: up phase and down phase) or 5 fan-coil.
  • The cut off capacity is 16A@230VAC / potential free relay output. If necessary, insert a contactor to control higher power circuits.
  • Last position memory in case of power failure.
  • Selecting MANUAL you can manually control every output by pressing a button/channel

Teknisk data

Supply 29V Vdc from KNX BUS
Current consumption 9 mA from KNX BUS
Mounting / size DIN rail / 6 modules
Connections KNX connecting terminal bus.
Screw terminal block for inputs and outputs.
Outputs 22 digital outputs (potential-free relay) 16A@230VAC cut-off capacity.
Breaking power 16A @ 230Vac
Environment temperatur range Operation: from -10ºC to 55ºC
Storage: from -30ºC to 60ºC
Transportation: from -30ºC to 60ºC
Regulation According to the directives of
electromagnetic compatibility and
low voltage. EN 50090-2-2 / UNEEN 61000-6-3:2007 / UNE-EN
61000-6-1:2007 / UNE-EN 61010-1

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    Din varukorg
    DM480440 Remove
    Bes RGBWL-K
    1 X 1.560,00 kr = 1.560,00 kr

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