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ALTA Wireless Pressure Meter - 300 PSIG - AA Battery Powered

ALTA Wireless Pressure Meter – 50 PSIG – AA Battery Powered

Wireless Sensor pressure meter (50 PSIG) measure pressure from a 5V pressure transducer. Used within pressurized gas, liquid or vapor supply line.

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Artikelnummer MNS2-8-W2-PS-050 Kategori

ALTA wireless pressure meters (50 PSIG) measure pressure from a 5 volt pressure transducer and transmits the pressure measurement to iMonnit. By connecting the Monnit wireless pressure sensor to a pressurized gas, liquid or vapor supply line, it can measure the pressure within the line and send data to the iMonnit Online Sensor Monitoring and Notification System. The data is stored in the online system and can be reviewed and exported as a data sheet or graph. User customization allows you to set notifications and alerts from the system so you can know immediately if pressure is above or below an optimal range.

Teknisk data

ALTA Commercial AA Wireless Pressure Meter
Supply voltage 2.0–3.8 VDC (3.0–3.8 VDC using power supply) *
Current consumption 0.2 µA (sleep mode), 0.7 µA (RTC sleep), 570 µA (MCU idle), 2.5 mA (MCU   active), 5.5 mA (radio RX mode), 22.6 mA (radio TX mode)
Operating temperature range (board circuitry and batteries) -18°C to 55°C (0°F to 130°F) using alkaline
-40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)   using lithium **
Optimal battery temperature range   (AA) +10°C to +50°C (+50°F to +122°F)
Integrated memory Up to 3200 sensor messages
Wireless range 1,200+ ft non-line-of-sight
Resolution 0.1 PSI
Security Encrypt-RF® (256-bit key   exchange and AES-128 CTR)
Weight 292 g
Certifications 900 MHz product; FCC ID: ZTL-G2SC1 and IC: 9794A-G2SC1. 868 and 433 MHz   product tested and found to comply with: EN 300 220-2 V3.1.1 (2017-02), EN   300 220-2 V3.1.1 (2017-02) and EN 60950
Pressure Transducer Specifications
Operating temperature 0 to 175°F (-18 to 79°C)
Thermal effect on reading ±0.02% FS/°F. (includes zero and span)
Media Gas, Liquid or Vapor
Response time 300 msec.
Stability 1.0% FS/year (Typ.)
Wire length 1 Meter
Accuracy 1.0% FS; 0.5% RSS;
(Includes linearity, hysteresis,   and repeatability)
Process connection ¼” NPT-Male Standard
Pressure transducer(s) 50 or 300 PSIG (Others available upon request)
Pressure Transducer   Interface Board Specifications
Max voltage output 5.5 V
Typical voltage output 5.0 V
Max voltage input 0–15 V
Voltage measurement range 0–5.2 V *
Voltage measurement resolution ~0.5 mV
Voltage measurement accuracy ± (2% of reading + 1.5 mV)
Input impedance 13 kOhm
Combined Specifications
Pressure measurement accuracy ± (2% of reading + 1.05% FS)
User-calibrated pressure accuracy ± (0.5% of reading + 0.5% FS) **

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    Monnit Wireless Flex Sensors (Coin)
    1 X 869,04 kr = 869,04 kr

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