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ALTA Industrial Wireless Open-Closed Sensors with Solar Power

ALTA Industrial Wireless Open-Closed Sensors

Wireless Sensor open-close alerts you when something’s left open or unexpectedly accessed. Use in server rooms, remote facilities, or vacant buildings.

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Artikelnummer MNS2-8-IN-OC-ST Kategori

ALTA wireless open/closed sensors provide information on the status of doors, windows, cabinets, etc. Know if a building or area is being accessed when it should not be, or if a door or window has been left open. Alerts can be setup to notify a user by SMS text, email or voice call if a door or window has been opened or left open.

Teknisk data

ALTA Industrial Wireless   Open/Closed Sensor
Supply   voltage 2.0–3.8 VDC (3.0–3.8 VDC using power supply) *
Current   consumption 0.2 µA (sleep mode), 0.7 µA (RTC sleep), 570 µA (MCU idle),
2.5 mA (MCU   active), 5.5 mA (radio RX mode), 22.6 mA (radio TX mode)
Operating   temperature range (board circuitry and battery) -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to +185°F)
Included battery Max temperature range -40° to +85°C (-40° to +185°F)
Capacity 1500 mAh
Optional solar feature Solar panel 5VDC/30mA (53mm x 30mm)
Charging temperature range 0° to 45°C (32° to 113°F)
Max temperature range -20° to 60°C (-4° to 140°F)
Included rechargeable battery 600 mAh/>2000 charge cycles (80% of initial capacity)
Solar efficiency Optimized for high and low-light operation **
Charging efficiency 40%***
Luminous sustainability Minimum of 250 LUX ***
Magnetic   Switch SPST, gold under -plating with Deactivated   Rhodium outer-plat- ing (capable of 50 million activations)
Operation   Gap Up to 3/4 inch
Wire   Leads 22 gauge/15 inch length
Magnet Alnico magnet/Weatherproof, high-impact ABS   plastic covering with self-adhesive backing
Magnet   temperature range -15°F to 160°F (-25°C to 70°C)
Datalogging Datalogs 2000 to 4000 readings if gateway   connection is lost (non-volatile flash, persists through the power cycle):
– 10-minute heartbeats = ~ 22 days
– 2-hour heartbeats = ~ 266 days
Wireless   range 1,200+ ft non-line-of-sight
Security Encrypt-RF® (256-bit key   exchange and AES-128 CTR)
Weight 133 g
Enclosure   rating NEMA 1, 2, 4, 4x, 12 and 13 rated, sealed and weather proof
UL   rating UL Listed to UL508-4x specifications (File E194432)
Certifications 900 MHz product; FCC ID: ZTL-G2SC1 and IC: 9794A-G2SC1. 868 and 433 MHz   product tested and found to comply with: EN 300 220-2 V3.1.1 (2017-02), EN   300 220-2 V3.1.1 (2017-02) and EN 60950

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    1 X 1.749,00 kr = 1.749,00 kr

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