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Aeotec Wallmote

WallMote is the wall switch that you can install anywhere. Wirelessly.

590,40 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T104-173901 Kategori

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On any wall. WallMote is the wall switch that you can install anywhere. Wirelessly.
Whatever the room, whatever the wall, WallMote is perfect. It is the wireless, Z-Wave wall switch that you can place anywhere, on any wall, with as little as double sided tape. Unpack it. Stick it. Charge it. Control is just a tap away.
Simple to install. WallMote is the wall switch for anywhere because of it is simple to install. Mounting it requires just two steps. Attach the mounting plate.WallMotes mounting plate affixes to any wall or surface using custom mounting tape. Peel. Stick. Done.
Attach WallMote. WallMote is attractive. Literally. Simply place it in front of the mounting plate and it will magnetically attach.

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