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Zipabox KNX modul

Zipabox KNX module allows your Zipabox Smart Home Controller to seamlessly integrate into KNX network

Det ursprungliga priset var: 1.032,00 kr.Det nuvarande priset är: 150,00 kr. exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T115-130014 Kategori

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Zipabox KNX module allows your Zipabox Smart Home Controller to seamlessly integrate into KNX network. By adding KNX network capability to Zipabox user can connect any KNX compatible device and combine them with all existing devices in his network which can use different protocols. KNX module is primary used by advanced users to add more choices in their home automation networks. Module allows connection of up to 250 devices and supports two-way communication, meaning that devices can report status.

Teknisk data

    Din varukorg
    Zipabox EnOcean Module
    1 X 100,00 kr = 100,00 kr

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