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Fibaro Double Switch 2 FGS-223

With the FIBARO Single Switch 2, you can integrate existing electrical installations (e.g. lighting, airing systems…) into a Z-Wave network.

455,20 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T103-16015 Kategori

I lager (kan restnoteras)

With the FIBARO Single Switch 2, you can integrate existing electrical installations (e.g. lighting, airing systems…) into a Z-Wave network. Thus, the connected devices can still be controlled with the existing wall switch, but – thanks to Z-Wave – also via remote control, smartphone or sensor-controlled automation.The compact radio module is placed in a wall box right behind the normal switch. The switch is no longer directly connected to the loads but acts as input device for the FIBARO insert that is controlling the loads. The switch only sends control signal to the insert which controls the loads then again. The solution works with all switch design. You can use a momentary or a toggle switch. It’s recommended to use wall boxes with 65mm depth. But smaller boxes with only 45mm depth can be used also if there is enough space behind the switch. The available space depends on the size of the traditional switch, the dimensions of the wall box and the amount of additional cabling placed in this box.The integrated energy consumption measurement function provides how much energy the connected device use. So you can identify the energy eater in your Smart Home.

Teknisk data

Spänning: 230 V
Temperaturområde: 0-35 °C
Dimensioner: 42,5 x 38,2 x 20,3 mm
För installation i apparatdosor: ≧ 50 mm
Max I: 6.5A per kanal, max 10A för båda kanalerna
Anläggningskrav: Avsäkras max 10A i elcentral
Radiostandard: Z-wave
Effekt radiosignal: 1mW

Radiofrekvens: 868,4 MHz (EU)
Räckvidd: upp till 50 m utomhus, upp till 30 m inomhus

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    1 X 439,20 kr = 439,20 kr

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