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Bes TRMD-K Svart

Vertical thermostat – Integrated 2.8” screen

2.060,00 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer DS421200 Kategori

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KNX Vertical thermostat – Integrated 2.8” screen

Vertical format thermostat with 8 touch areas and integrated 2.8” color touch screen to manage an independent climate zone. It includes speed control, modes, measured temperature, setpoint temperature, etc.

It incorporates PI automatic regulation algorithms to control the temperature with greater precision, improving comfort and energy saving. On/Off, PWM or continuous temperature controller, which allows control of the main and additional cold / heat systems.

Supports weekly timings for thermostat configuration. In-built temperature sensor with thermostat.

Menu with options for themes of appearance, brightness, language, etc.

  • Arithmetic Logic Unit and timers/counters
  • Supply: 29V DC from KNX BUS
  • Size: 88 x 129 x 11mm
  • Mounted on universal box, screwed on wall
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