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KNX – DALI gateway with broadcast control for 3 channels and up to 64 ballasts

1.790,00 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer GW610300 Kategori

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KNX – DALI gateway with broadcast control for 3 channels and up to 64 ballasts

Gateway for controlling DALI protocol lighting through KNX. It allows to control 3 channels and up to 64 ballasts by broadcast orders, being possible to split number of ballast per channel as interested. Ability to configure up to 16 scenes. 3 inputs available for conventional push-button control. Possibility of use it as an autónomous device.

  • Supply: 230V AC
  • Max. Power Consumption: 3.2VA @ 230V AC
  • KNX supply: 29V DC from BUS KNX
  • Consumption: 5mA
  • DIN rail mounted (4 modules)

Teknisk data

Main power supply 85 – 265 VAC @ 50 / 60 Hz
Max. Power consumption 0,5W @ 230Vac
KNX supply 29VDC from BUS KNX
BUS consumption 5mA from KNX bus
Connections KNX bus connection terminal.
Screw terminal block for main supply and DALI.
DALI voltage 16 Vdc
Max. number of DALI ballasts Ch. 1 + Ch. 2 + Ch. 3 ≤ 64
Inputs 3 safety extra-low voltage inputs (SELV).
Inputs max. cable distance 30 meters
Mounting /size DIN rail / 4 modules
Environment temperatur range Operation: from -10ºC to 55ºC
Storage: from -30ºC to 60ºC
Transportation: from -30ºC to 60ºC
Regulation According to the directives of
electromagnetic compatibility and
low voltage. EN 50090-2-2 / UNEEN 61000-6-3:2007 / UNE-EN
61000-6-1:2007 / UNE-EN 61010-1

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