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Bes 6E4S-16A-K, PARAM

6 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs actuator (16A)

2.070,00 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer CT416420 Kategori

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6 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs actuator (16A)

On/Off actuator with 4 digital outputs, free voltage relays. Multifunction programming. Outputs work simultaneously or independently in different modes (binary outputs, blinds, fan-coil, etc). This device has 6 low-voltage digital inputs for connecting conventional pushbuttons or switches. Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU).

PARAM: Programming by ETS parameter application.

  • Supply: 29V DC from KNX BUS
  • Consumption: 9mA from KNX BUS
  • Switching capacity: 16A @ 230V AC per output
  • DIN rail mounted (4 modules)

For proper use of ETS catalog of this device, it is necessary to use the following ETS number versions:

ETS4 – 4.1.8 or higher
ETS5 – 5.0.8 or higher


Din varukorg
CT431640 Remove
Bes 16S-K - Manual
1 X 4.050,00 kr = 4.050,00 kr

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