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ALTA Wireless Tilt Detection Sensor - AA Battery Powered

ALTA Wireless Tilt Detection Sensor – AA Battery Powered

Wireless Sensor Tilt Detection is a digital, low-power, low-profile, MEMS sensor that can measure acceleration on one axis to provide a measure of the pitch

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Artikelnummer MNS2-8-W2-AC-TT Kategori

he ALTA Wireless Accelerometer – Tilt Detection Sensor is a digital, low-power, low-profile, MEMS sensor that can measure acceleration on one axis to provide a measure of the pitch. The sensor constantly monitors a single axis of rotation over a range of -179.9 to +180.0 degrees. The data is displayed in degrees with 0.1° of resolution. If the sensor does not experience a detectable orientation change, the sensor will produce a current report at a time interval (defined by the user). If an orientation change is detected, the sensor will report immediately. User-configurable angles are used to define regions for “Up”, “Down, and “Stuck”. Data is reported when the sensor moves between these regions.

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