The ALTA wireless accelerometer – tilt sensor activates at a set time interval (defined by user) and converts accelerometer measurements to pitch and roll (0 to 180° -> -180° to 0°). The data is displayed in degrees with 0.1° of resolution.
Teknisk data
ALTA Commercial Coin Cell Wireless Accelerometer – Tilt Sensor
2.5 mA (MCU active), 5.5 mA (radio RX mode), 22.6 mA (radio TX mode)
Operating temperature range (board circuitry and coin cell)
-7°C to +60°C (20°F to +140°F) **
Optimal battery temperature range (coin cell)
+10°C to +50°C (+50°F to +122°F)
4096 count/g
Sensitivity range selections
+/-2 G, +/-4 G, +/-8 G
Measurement accuracy
±2.5 % (force: X, Y, Z)
Minimum g-force to turn on/wake up
0.050–0.100 g
Fastest update interval/heart rate in any configuration
Heartbeat: 1 minute
Bandwidth for data measurement
800 Hz
Measurement range (profile 4 tilt only)
0° to 180° ► -180° to -0° (Rotating in positive direction)
Measurement resolution (profile 4 tilt only)
Integrated memory
Up to 3200 sensor messages
Wireless range
1,200+ ft non-line-of-sight
Encrypt-RF® (256-bit key exchange and AES-128 CTR)
20 g
900 MHz product; FCC ID: ZTL-G2SC1 and IC: 9794A-G2SC1. 868 and 433 MHz product tested and found to comply with: EN 300 220-2 V3.1.1 (2017-02), EN 300 220-2 V3.1.1 (2017-02) and EN 60950
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