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ALTA Wireless Accelerometer - Impact Detect Sensor - Coin Cell Powered

ALTA Wireless Accelerometer – Impact Detect Sensor – Coin Cell Powered

Wireless Sensor Impact Detection sensor activates when g-forces are exceeded by a user defined threshold – up to 8 g-force.

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Artikelnummer MNS2-8-W1-AC-IM Kategori

The ALTA wireless accelerometer – Impact Detection sensor activates when g-forces are exceeded by a user defined threshold – up to 8 g-force. The user can key in the desired threshold for the g-force trigger. This sensor has two operation modes that can be also selected by the user: High Performance and Low Power. High Performance has an output data rate of 800 Hz with the High Pass Filter cutoff at 16 Hz while the Low Power has an output data rate of 12.5 Hz with the High Pass Filter cutoff at 0.25 Hz.

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