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Aeotec Water Sensor Dock ZW160-Z

The installation of the dock offers several advantages to you. Firstly you have got the opportunity to monitor two different areas in a distance of 1m from the water sensor.

224,00 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T104-181702 Kategori

I lager (kan restnoteras)

With the Water Sensor 6 of Aeotec you are protected against water damages. This device is already greatful but with the Water Sensor Dock it becomes more greatful. The installation of the dock offers several advantages to you. Firstly you have got the opportunity to monitor two different areas in a distance of 1m from the water sensor. Connect the two spot sensors to the dock and then you can monitor separate areas. So you enlarge also the level of secrurity.Secondly you can use the dock as loading station of the water sensor to power it with mains electricity. Connect the provided USB cable to the dock and the Water Sensor 6 does not longer need the batteries

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    Din varukorg
    Zipabox P1 module
    1 X 100,00 kr = 100,00 kr

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