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Fibaro – The Button Svart

One Button, Countless opportunities. Push the FIBARO Button and switch the light on and off, open the shutters or start and stop complex scenes in your home.

383,20 kr exkl. moms

Artikelnummer T103-160102

I lager (kan restnoteras)

One Button , Countless opportunities. Push the FIBARO Button and switch the light on and off, open the shutters or start and stop complex scenes in your home.The FIBARO Button is a compact battery-operated switch, which can be fixed at any place or is useable as portable remote control. The Button has unique and simple design and is unexpected versatile.The Button recognize, if it is pressed 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 times or is pressed and hold and triggers appropriate actions. In the available ‘Panic Mode’, each press of the button results in triggering of the emergency scene.Features:Portable press-button switch in unique designRecognizes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 times push as well as press and holdControls single devices or complete scenePower Supply: ER14250 batteryVarious colors: White, Black, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Brown, Orange.

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