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Fibaro Home Center 2, svart

Fibaro Home Center 2, svart

The Fibaro Home Center 2 (HC 2) is the brain of your home automation system.

4.559,20 kr exkl. moms

SKU T103-180401 Category

Kan restnoteras

The Fibaro Home Center 2 (HC 2) is the brain of your home automation system. The flagship of the Fibaro System integrates up to 230 devices into your Z-Wave network, manages all devices and connects them with each other into intelligent automation scenes.The Home Center 2 is the most efficient Z-Wave gateway in the market. It has the most powerful processor and uses LUA script language enabling extremely complex automation scenes.

Teknisk data

Anslutningsteknik Trådlös, kabelansluten – Ethernet, Z-Wave
Funktioner SMS-notifiering
Gränssnitt 2 x USB ¦ LAN
CPU Intel Atom
Klockfrekvens 1.6 GHz
Minne RAM 1 GB
Minne Flash 2 GB
USB-minne för backup 4GB

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