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ALTA Wireless Thermocouple Sensor (K-Type Fixed Probe) - Coin Cell Powered

ALTA Wireless Thermocouple Sensor (K-Type Fixed Probe) – Coin Cell Powered

Wireless Sensor thermocouple is available with a hardwired thermocouple or K-type connector to support various thermocouple types and ranges.

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Artikelnummer MNS2-8-W1-TS-TC-HW Kategori

The ALTA Wireless Thermocouple Sensor is available with a hardwired thermocouple or K-type connector to support various thermocouple types and ranges. The hardwired thermocouple option measures temperatures up to 400°C (752°F). The K-type connector with Probe includes a needle probe that measures temperatures up to 400°C (752°F). The sensor is programmed to sleep for a user-given time interval (heartbeat) and then wakeup, send power to the thermocouple and wait for it to stabilize, and convert the analog data, mathematically compute the temperature and transmit the data to the gateway.

Teknisk data

ALTA Commercial Coin Cell Wireless Thermocouple Sensors
Supply voltage 2.0–3.8 VDC *
Current   consumption 0.2 µA (sleep mode), 0.7 µA (RTC sleep), 570 µA (MCU idle), 2.5 mA (MCU   active), 5.5 mA (radio RX mode), 22.6 mA (radio TX mode)
Operating temperature range (board   circuitry and coin cell) -7°C to +60°C (20°F to +140°F) **
Optimal battery temperature range   (coin cell) +10°C to +50°C (+50°F to +122°F)
Thermocouple connection options 6 ft hardwired probe/5 ft K-type connector
Hardwired thermocouple probe:   temperature range -100°C to +400°C (-148°F to +752°F)
Hardwired thermocouple probe:   accuracy above 0°C +/- 2.2°C or 0.75% (whichever is greater)
Hardwired thermocouple probe:   accuracy below 0°C +/- 2.2°C or 2.0% (whichever is greater)
Integrated memory Up to 3200 sensor messages
Wireless range 1,200+ ft non-line-of-sight
Security Encrypt-RF® (256-bit key   exchange and AES-128 CTR)
Weight 49 g
Certifications 900 MHz product; FCC ID: ZTL-G2SC1 and IC: 9794A-G2SC1. 868 and 433 MHz   product tested and found to comply with: EN 300 220-2 V3.1.1 (2017-02), EN   300 220-2 V3.1.1 (2017-02) and EN 60950
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